Before the goverment of North Carolina was ever implimented a seal was used for important documents
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THE GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINAA seal for important documents was used before the government was ever implemented in North Carolina. During the colonial period North Carolina used successively four different seals. Since independence six seals have been used.Shortly after King Charles II issued the Charter of 1663 to the Lords Proprietors, a seal was adopted to use in conjunction with their newly acquired domains in America. No official description has been found of the seal but it can be seen in the British Public Record Office in London. The seal had two sides and was three and three-eighths inches in diameter. The impression was made by bonding two wax cakes together with tape before being impressed. The finished impression was about one-fourth inch thick. This seal was used on all official papers of the Lords Proprietors of Carolina, embracing both North Carolina and South Carolina.
A place for Retirement, A place For Vacation, A place to live. Just the thought of it makes you get goose bumps.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
The Seal of North Carolina
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